When they listen to one of our podcasts, people say the “light goes on!” for them about how THE HUMAN JOURNEY® works. 


Have a Listen.

End of Life University Podcast

THE HUMAN JOURNEY® in conversation with Dr. Karen Wyatt, host of the End-of-Life University podcast, physician, spiritual teacher, and author. The in-tune conversation — and Dr. Karen’s creamy voice — make this an excellent and engrossing way to learn about the shape of THE HUMAN JOURNEY® experience and the role of the trained THJ Conductor.

“Opens up the game so clearly”
“A wonderful guest!”
“Open, authentic, and skilled.”
“Clear and captivating”

The Hospice Chaplaincy Show

Sara talks with hospice chaplains and podcast hosts Dr. Saul Ebema and Joe Newton about some of the particulars of THE HUMAN JOURNEY® and how it helps families cultivate belonging, meaning, and communication.

The Sacred Speaks

Sara speaks with Jungian psychoanalyst and musician Dr. John Price in this long-form interview in which they discuss how Sara got interested in the hospice movement, as well as in the cultural meanings and aesthetics of the body and spiritual questions derived from living life in a human body. Join us for this deep dive into origins and expressions.

Seekers of Meaning Podcast

In this video interview, Sara talks with Rabbi Richard Address, the Founder of Jewish Sacred Aging and an expert on issues related to aging and spirituality and their impact on families and congregations.

Life, Death, & The Space Between

In this conversation with Dr. Amy Robbins, we talk about the role of the archetypal hero’s journey and its role, along with that of story, in THE HUMAN JOURNEY®. A clinical psychologist, Amy has a deep interest in the spiritual dimensions and purpose of end of life; that dual focus guides this conversation. 

Elevate (Hospice News Podcast)

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