How Will You Know That Tool is Actually On Your Belt?
There's a way a tool feels when it shapes to your intention.
I’m in a hurry.
On the rare occasions I actually cook something, I want to know there will be a meal at some point. (This is especially true since my cooking motions are unpracticed and it takes me twice as long as the recipe predicts!)
When I’m training helping professionals, I want to know they’ll come away with something that can fundamentally change how they serve others, something that will multiply the impact of what I bring them.
The people who sign up to become Conductors of THE HUMAN JOURNEY® are like this, too.
They tend also to be busy professional people — with credentials in social work, counseling, divinity, nursing, care management, and other fields focused on the service of others. Like us, they’re concerned about the amount of loss, grief, confusion, and alienation they’re seeing in their work, which has been growing exponentially in this past year.
They’re motivated by making a difference.
They’re not going to learn to do that by only sitting and staring at a series of slides. They don’t have time to “learn” another tool that’s going to sit on a shelf or in a drawer.
The pandemic changed how we teach — for the better.
Occasioned by the pandemic, our movement not only to an online training modality but also to a three-session training format — one that gets Conductors up and running right away and then keeps refining their skills — has been game-changing.
With the Conductor’s Kits shipped and the Conductor’s Guidebooks made available in advance, and a scaffolded process by which our trainees actually get to conduct THE HUMAN JOURNEY® twice during the two interstitial weeks of our training, our new training format has turned out to be exactly the right way to get people up and running in their settings — whether they be senior living, recovery centers, hospices, congregational settings, therapists’ offices, or social service settings.
They get specific coaching on what they actually did during those two Journeys.
And we’re improving our model even more for 2021.
We’ve added a one-month-out, private session with me — THJ’s inventor and founder — that allows you, once you’ve started implementing THJ on a regular basis, to identify where your own questions, triumphs, and growth edges are. It’s like having a custom toolbelt sized for you and your practice context.
We’d love to suit you up and ensure you grow your capacity to help groups and families. Consider joining a growing body of those using THE HUMAN JOURNEY® to support those at points of crisis or inflection in their lives.
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