Help Families Navigate Serious Illness, Loss, and Grief

Training for Grief Coaches, Palliative Care and Hospice Providers & Volunteers, Death Doulas, and Counselors

What Our Trainees Say

Now I have a tool to be with those at end of life.
I wish I'd had THE HUMAN JOURNEY® years ago!

Picture of Holly Rotman-Zaid

Holly Rotman-Zaid

Director of Medical Respite, Housing Forward, Chicago

The family connectivity was electric!

Picture of Dr. Karen Da Silva

Dr. Karen Da Silva

Counseling Psychologist, Jamaica

What You'll Learn in THE HUMAN JOURNEY®
Conductor Training

  • How to draw family members out of alienation and bond groups not only after but also BEFORE a loss.
  • How to get members of a family or group on the same page prior to decision-making.
  • How to help participants find meaning on their own terms during the hardest of times.
  • How to ensure participants secure the deep family listening skills they learn during the experience for their future.

The Professionals Who Train With Us

to guide groups forward

THE HUMAN JOURNEY® Method Has Been Featured On

The "THJ" Method Works Across Settings

A woman in her 80s in bed with a woman a generation younger bending caringly over her. The implication is that the older woman hasn't been well and the younger woman is taking care of her.

Find out how THE HUMAN JOURNEY® applies in your work setting

Hospice & palliative care staff


Grief counselors


Faith community nurses 

Geriatric care managers
Medical social workers
Qualified volunteers 

Make the difference for every group, even beyond families.

Strengthen grief and loss support groups using THE HUMAN JOURNEY® methods and materials.

All content copyright THE HUMAN JOURNEY® 2024. All rights reserved.